
Another free Halloween party, Crown Plaza Hotel boat marina w/live band. Downtown Hampton, see you there if I can make it!
Free Halloween block party tonight w/ live band and movie showing until 11:00 pm. Downtown Hampton/Queen St.


Heading home now from Halloween shopping & didn't find anything to wear. Thanks for your suggestions, I'll look try again on Friday.
Visiting several halloween costume shops tonight to find something to wear this weekend, any suggestions? :)


Have a great Monday! :)
Going to bed now but want to let y'all know that Pres. Obama will be at ODU next week to raise funds, don't tell no one!
Congrats to Antonio Jones who won 2 free tickets to the musical play, The Color Purple! Email me :)
The Stevie Wonder show was amazing & I plan to attend other concerts at the ODU center in Norfolk, Va (nice area to visit)


Had a great night and now it's bed time, have a wonderful Saturday y'all! :)


I love the Wayans family but think that there are other talented comedians who could play the role of Richard Pryor!
Marlon Wayans will be playing comedian Richard Pryor in an upcoming movie! Hey HollyWeird, What about a real comedian actor?
My acting teacher told me to remember one thing, regardless how much people praise you..."You are not the S#@*!"
Watched the movie Paranormal Activity online & was disappointed but will continue to support indie filmmakers who break the rules!
"A fortress is made of more than one stone" Sicilian Proverb #quote