
Up at 2:00 a.m. to try and do some work but feeling out of it right now, I need a good laugh or just something to make me smile :-)


Feeling really good because I completed my video using "Toonit" now I will use "Mirage" to rotoscope the outlines!


Well, I'm working with "Toonit" plugin in After Effects to see if I can create a cartoon look.


I've been up for many hours now, I must not be human!
Well, I'm up at it again...maybe I'll get some work done today! :-)


I think, I'm going to bed early tonight and try to start over again on Tues.
Just got up and it seems like it's going to be a vampire night again!
Up at 2:00 a.m. working and enjoying the cool VA night!


It's Friday night and rainy, so I will try myself to a dinner and maybe a movie later.


Finished a painting today and I'm very happy that my artist friend really like it!